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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Harvesting Ratu Meli Memorial School’s vegetable garden

Harvesting Ratu Meli Memorial School’s vegetable garden

The vegetable gardens at RMMS have been a huge success. Not only have they generated food for the students to eat for their lunches but the vegetables have also been sold to Blue Lagoon Resort. With the help of the students, GVI has planted eggplant, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, long bean, French bean, cucumber, pumpkin, coriander, tomatoes, and chilies. While the majority of these vegetables are harvested during each classes gardening time, GVI has now started bringing the excess vegetables or those that the women cooking lunch do not use to Blue Lagoon Resort with the profits going to the school. Blue Lagoon Resort already supports Ratu Meli so it made sense to ask their chef if he would be interested in buying fresh vegetables from the school. Over the school holidays, GVI bought over lettuce and coriander to Blue Lagoon, the chef was really impressed with how fresh the vegetables were and expressed an interest to continue purchasing both items from Ratu Meli. Blue Lagoon normally has their vegetables sent up from the mainland so buying locally not only ensures that their meals are fresher but that they can also continue their support for RMMS.
